
Thursday, November 2, 2023

Appropriate Challenge

(Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes)

It was Vygotsky (1896-1937) who coined the term “zone of proximal development” (ZPD): the distance between what a student can do on their own and what they can accomplish with support.

How do we know where the students are on the continuum? 

Appropriate Challenge. The zone of proximal development is where we find the optimal learning zone, too easy is the comfort zone and too hard is the anxiety zone.

Here are some strategies to gather feedback on whether the assigned work is too easy, too hard, or jusssst right (Goldilocks, 1837).  The most obvious approach would be through questioning, asking students directly, however some students could feel embarrassed if they are identified as struggling. A more low-key approach is the use of visual indicators such as coloured cups on desks, three fingers or coloured tags. These are a very quick way to test the waters. 

Use visual indicators as a way of assessing of students are in the zone of proximal development. Fingers one, two, three, coloured cups on the table of coloured tags give the teacher feedback.

A strategy that gives teachers more time to reflect on their students' readiness for learning is to use Google Forms. This is a survey I created based on Vygotsky’s zones of proximal development that you can copy and customise to your needs.

Here is some real student data.

The part of the lab i had the most trouble with

This task took me _____hours to complete.

Student 1

I get it straight away

I have to think

This is basic

I hit some walls

I'm on my toes

I feel challenged

Sussing out the equations for the first time


Student 2

I know some things

I have to think

This takes persistence

I hit some walls

I'm on my toes

I feel challenged



Student 3

I know some things

I have to think

This is basic

I hit some walls

I'm on my toes

I feel challenged

Converting the numbers to make my graph correct


Student 4

I know some things

I already know how

This is basic

I hit some walls

I'm on my toes

I feel challenged

Finding the gravity value


Student 5

I know some things

I have to think

This is basic

I'm cruising

I'm on my toes

Success takes little effort

Keeping motivated enough to finish it

3-4 hours

Student 6

I get it straight away

I have to think

This is basic

I hit some walls

I'm on my toes

I feel challenged



Student 7

I know some things

I have to think

This takes persistence

I hit some walls

I'm on my toes

I feel challenged

Working out a value for g


Student 8

I know some things

I have to think

This takes persistence

I'm frustrated

I'm on my toes

I feel challenged



Student 9

I get it straight away

I have to think

This takes persistence

I hit some walls

I'm on my toes

Success takes little effort

the equation work


Student 10

I know some things

I have to think

This takes persistence

I'm frustrated

I'm angry

I feel challenged

The graphs, which caused issues with the maths


Student 11

I know some things

I have to think

This takes persistence

I hit some walls

I'm on my toes

I feel challenged

Finding the slope and then using the slop to find the value of gravitational acceleration.


Student 12

I know some things

I have to think

This takes persistence

I hit some walls

I'm on my toes

Success takes little effort

percentage errors, graphs

few hours

Student 13

I know some things

I have to think

This takes persistence

I hit some walls

I'm on my toes

I feel challenged

understanding why we did the 1/h vs t^2 calculations


Student 14

I know some things

I have to think

This takes persistence

I hit some walls

I'm on my toes

I feel challenged


4 - 5

Student 15

I know some things

I have to think

This takes persistence

I hit some walls

I'm on my toes

Success takes little effort

Applying equation to the graph/results


Student 16

I know some things

I have to think

This takes persistence

I hit some walls

I'm on my toes

Success takes little effort

Calculating the 1/h, the slope and graphing them

1 and a half

Student 17

I know some things

I already know how

This is basic

I hit some walls

I'm bored

Success takes little effort

big errors


The above survey was of a formative assessment (assessment for learning) that had good parity with the summative assessment (assessment of learning). By identifying students requiring more assistance in the formative work, allowed for task adjustments such as more scaffolding or stretch goals in the summative task. The survey also showed the class as a whole needed more explicit teaching of the mathematical underpinnings of the experiment. 

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